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Monday, October 27, 2014

Plant Sources of Common Herbal Medicines

Modern-day science has emphasized the efficiency and importance of synthetic drugs and has come a long way to further support the strength and quality of these medications. The public on the other hand has also turned to patronize synthetic drugs because they are indeed effective ways to alleviate and cure illnesses aside from the fact that they are promoted vastly in media and in institutions as quality products. 

As time went by, society had started to forget the natural remedies--the herbal medicines our ancestors have used to cure their diseases, and have neglected their efficacy in curing common sicknesses. Most of the time, we tend to pass by these plants as we walk along the streets or the woods only noticing  their beauty but failing to see more beyond the flowers and leaves. To help you recognize and be familiar with such, here are some of the common plants in which herbal medicines are derived. 

1.    Chamomile  Anthemis nobilis – Chamomile is said to take away weariness and pain/inflammation of the bowels. The oil from the flowers can be used against many pains and aches, including joint cramps. Chamomile is also helpful in healing migraines and regulating menstrual periods.

 2.Cinquefoil  Potentilla reptans – Cinquefoil is used to reduce inflammation. It can also treat sore mouths and ulcers. The juice is known to aid jaundice. As well as helping hoarseness of the throat and cough, Cinquefoil can be applied to painful joints.

3.Columbine  Aquilegia vulgaris – Because columbine is slightly poisonous, its astringent properties are mainly exploited in lotions and used externally.

4. Feverfew  Chrysanthemum parthenium - Feverfew is known as an effective treatment for migraine headaches and fevers. It may also help ease diseases like arthritis. 

5. Foxglove  Digitalis purpurea – A pure form of the plant is used to strengthen cardiac contractility and regulates heart rhythm.

6. Golden Rod  Solidago virgaurea – Golden rod can be used as a treatment for painful menstruation, arthritis and eczema. Externally, it can be applied to skin ulcers to stimulate healing.

7. Lady's Mantle  lchemilla vulgaris - This herb has been used to cure excessive menstruation. The root of lady's mantle has been recommended to stop bleeding.

8. Lavender  Lavandula angustifolia – Lavender prevents fainting and allays nausea. In oil form, it is often used in therapeutic baths to reduce stress. It can also lower blood pressure. A small amount makes a useful application on skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis.
9. Lovage  Levisticum officinale – Lovage is used as a digestive aid. It eases inward pains. This herb is also known to diminish redness of the eyes.

10. Pennyroyal  Mentha pulegium – Pennyroyal is said to ease headaches. It has been used as a remedy for colicky pains in the abdomen. It has also been known to ease the feverish symptoms that come with measles and whooping cough.

11. Poppy  Papaver rhoeas – The poppy is known to soothe coughs and induce sleep. The petals are helpful in treating asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough and angina.

12. Primrose  Primula vulgaris – Primrose, a sedative, induces rest and sleep by reducing tension. An infusion of the root taken in spoonful doses is effective in healing headaches. It has also been used for treating gout and rheumatism.

13. Rosemary - Rosmarinus officinalis – Rosemary has been used to treat headaches, epilepsy and poor circulation. It can also be used as a disinfectant in the form of mouth wash and also to treat fever. It is also reported to stop dandruff and improve memory.

14. Sage  Salvia officinalis – Sage is helpful for head pains, hoarseness and cough. It is one of the best known remedies for laryngitis, tonsillitis and sore throats. An infusion of the herb sweetened with honey is mildly laxative and stimulates menstrual flow.

15. Sorrel  Rumex acetosella or Rumex acetosa – The cooling leaves of sorrel are known to allay thirst and aid in fevers. These leaves also serve as a diuretic.

16. Vervain  Verbena officinalis – Vervain is known to be a good remedy for coughs and colds. It aids against the wheezing and shortness of breath that comes with fevers.

17. Wintergreen  Pyrola minor – Wintergreen is known for its cooling properties, flavoring everything from mouthwash to gum. Medicinally, it can be used topically on wounds and internally to aid ulcers in the kidney and bladder. The plant contains a natural antiseptic.

18. Woodruff (Sweet) – Galium odoratum – Woodruff can be taken for its tranquilizing effects to treat insomnia. Used as an infusion, it can strengthen the stomach and removes obstructions from the colon.

19. Yarrow  Achillea millefolium – Yarrow is used topically for wounds, cuts, and abrasions. An infusion of yarrow is known to speed recovery from severe bruising. Yarrow flowers are used for various allergic mucus problems, including hay fever.

We can go through further heights with synthetic drug developments but we will always go back to the organics and discover that there is something more to the plants we have come to know, that they are not mere decorations or junk. Plants offer a wide array of possibilities in research and medication therapy if given and if given enough time and effort, we can be able to see these potentials. 

So if you're running out of cash, or are still far from the nearest clinic or drugstore try to look at your backyard and you will see wonders that can help you with your troubles. You will not only save money, you will also have the chance to reconnect with nature.

It's time to go au naturel!


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